Monday, August 4, 2008

Hydrochloric acid acne and can cutting heal acne

But sadly, even after using the slang word, none of the bad effects of acne are suppressed or over ruled. People are still scared of the tell tale marks that are left by the lesions if they are picked and adequate steps are not taken to cure them. Studies show that some youngsters are so embarrassed with their acne, that they are prone to become fatalists, rather than accepting a scarry face that will never look so glamorous again. No wonder that they term the acne pimples or blemishes 'zits' that have ruined their faces.
Are you tired of buying over the counter acne treatments that don't work? Are you fed up with spending money on expensive prescription medications, and not seeing any results? If so, you might be ready to try a chemical peel for acne treatment.
Washing your face gently two or three times a day removes excess oils that can build up and clog pores, which in turn causes pimples to appear. Don't wash too often, and don't scrub too vigorously, as this could irritate your skin. It can in fact even make acne worse, because it will cause it to spread. However, if you wash it gently and often, you can help control breakouts.
tags: why am i still getting adult acne, zinc acne mg, acne pimples best prescriptino

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